Access Excel Function HKID Check Digit (last digit)

This Excel tutorial explains the algorithm of HKID Check Digit (last digit) and provide a custom Access Excel VBA Function to verify the Check Digit. (香港身份証最後號碼)

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HKID Check Digit


Hong Kong ID card number has a last digit with bracket called “Check Digit“. Check Digit is a number to verify if the previous number and alphabet are correct. By understanding the algorithm of calculating Check Digit, you can generate a random HKID.

There are two main purposes for understand HKID Check Digit.

First, some online services only offer to local residents, they do not want overseas residents to register their service, therefore in the membership registration page, they ask you to enter a valid HKID number. The verification system cannot check whether the HKID is real, they only check if your Check Digit is valid.

Second, this checking can be used to verify if the employee database maintains correct records, or check before inputting the data in the system.

Algorithm of HKID Check Digit

There are two types of HKID number:

1) Prefix with one alphabet, such as  A123456(7)

2) Prefix with two alphabets, such as AB123456(7)

I will demonstrate the algorithm below using HKID A123456(x)

Step 1

Convert the prefix alphabet to a numeric value. If Prefix contains two alphabets, add 8 to the original converted value of single alphabet, regardless of the first alphabet.

For example, A should convert to 8, then AA (or BA,CA,DA, etc) should be converted to 8+8 = 16

In our example HKID A123456(x), the result is 8

Prefix Alphabet Converted value
A 8
B 16
C 24
D 32
E 40
F 48
G 56
H 64
I 72
J 80
K 88
L 96
M 104
N 112
O 120
P 128
Q 136
R 144
S 152
T 160
U 168
V 176
W 184
X 192
Y 200
Z 208
xA 16
xB 24
xC 32
xD 40
xE 48
xF 56
xG 64
xH 72
xI 80
xJ 88
xK 96
xL 104
xM 112
xN 120
xO 128
xP 136
xQ 144
xR 152
xS 160
xT 168
xU 176
xV 184
xW 192
xX 200
xY 208
xZ 216

Step 2

Convert each HKID digit to a number.

Nth HKID digit multiplier
1st 7
2nd 6
3rd 5
4th 4
5th 3
6th 2

In our example HKID A123456(x)

1 is the 1st digit, multiply 1 by 7 = 7

2 is the 2nd digit, multiply 2 by 6 = 12

3 x 5 = 15

4 x 4 = 16

5 x 3 = 15

6 x 2 = 12

Total =  77

Step 3

Calculate remainder of (Step 1 result + Step 2 result)/11

= (8+77)/11

= 8

Step 4

Check Digit = 11 – result of Step 3

= 11 – 8

= 3

Step 5

The Check Digit should contain only a single digit, otherwise further convert using the below rules.

If Check Digit = 10, convert to A

If Check Digit = 11, convert to 0


Since the calculated Check Digit is a single digit, x=3 for HKID A123456(x)

Custom VBA Function – HKID Check Digit

The manual calculation of Check Digit is very complicated, therefore I created a custom Function for Excel and Access for checking if the last digit is correct.

This Function removes all brackets and capitalize all alphabets during the checking (the original value will not be modified).

After the Function calculates a Check Digit, it will compare with the Check Digit of user input.

This Function returns TRUE if last digit is correct, FALSE if incorrect.

I have verified the accuracy of this custom Function with 40,000+ real HKID.

VBA Code – HKID Check Digit

Public Function wCheckHKID(ID As String) As String
    Dim newIDArr() As Variant
    newID = UCase(Replace(Replace(ID, "(", ""), ")", ""))
    lenNewID = Len(newID)
    IDnoDigit = Left(newID, lenNewID - 1)
    lenIDnoDigit = Len(IDnoDigit)
    For i = 1 To lenIDnoDigit
        ReDim Preserve newIDArr(i)
        newIDArr(i) = Mid(IDnoDigit, i, 1)
    Next i
    If lenIDnoDigit = 7 Then
        checkSum = (Asc(newIDArr(1)) - 64) * 8 + newIDArr(2) * 7 + newIDArr(3) * 6 + newIDArr(4) * 5 + newIDArr(5) * 4 + newIDArr(6) * 3 + newIDArr(7) * 2
        checkDigit = 11 - checkSum Mod 11
    ElseIf lenIDnoDigit = 8 Then
        checkSum = 6 + (Asc(newIDArr(2)) - 64) * 8 + newIDArr(3) * 7 + newIDArr(4) * 6 + newIDArr(5) * 5 + newIDArr(6) * 4 + newIDArr(7) * 3 + newIDArr(8) * 2
        checkDigit = 11 - checkSum Mod 11
    End If
    If checkDigit = 10 Then
        newCheckdigit = "A"
    ElseIf checkDigit = 11 Then
        newCheckdigit = "0"
    Else: newCheckdigit = checkDigit
    End If
    If Asc(newCheckdigit) = Asc(Right(newID, 1)) Then
        wCheckHKID = True
        wCheckHKID = False
    End If
End Function

Syntax of custom Access Excel Function – HKID Check Digit

wCheckHKID (ID)
ID Full HKID such as Z123456(2), accept values with or without brackets, lower case or upper case

Example of Custom Function – HKID Check Digit

hkid 11

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