Access Function (VBA) Access Method (VBA) Access Object Property (VBA)
This page lists all the Access functions that have been explained in this website.
Most custom Functions were created for Excel but they are usable in Access, therefore you will see my custom Functions link to Excel topics.
You may also want to read:
Differences among Function, Sub, Method, Property
String Functions
Function | Description |
Chr | Convert ASCII value to character |
Instr | Return the position of substring |
Mid | Extract substring |
wCapLetter | A custom Function to capitalize first letter in a sentence |
wCheckAlphabet | A custom Function to check if a text contains any alphabet |
wCheckNumber | A custom Function to check if a text contains any number |
wCheckOnlyAlphabet | A custom Function to check if a text contains only alphabet |
wCheckOnlyNumber | A custom Function to check if a text contains only number |
wCheckSymbol | A custom Function to check if a text contains any symbol |
wCheckHKID | A custom Function to check the last digit of HKID |
wCustomSort | A custom Function to assign numeric value to Text for custom sort |
wExtractAlphabet | A custom Function to extract alphabet from text |
wExtractNumber | A custom Function to extract number from text |
wExtractPercent | A custom Function to extract Percent from text |
wLpad | A custom Function to add leading character |
wRandomHKID | A custom Function to generate random HKID (Hong Kong ID card number) |
wRandomLetter | A custom Function to generate random letter a to z / A to Z / a to Z |
wRandomPassword | A custom Function to generate random alphabet / number / symobol |
wSumExtractNumber | A custom Function to Sum number part of text in a Range |
wExtractSymbol | A custom Function to extract symbol from text |
wRpad | A custom Function to add characters to suffix |
wSplit | Delimit a text and extract the Nth substring |
wUniqueStr | A custom Function to remove duplicate in a text |