This tutorial explains differences among Function, Sub, Method, Property Excel / Access VBA.
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Function, Sub, Method, Property Differences
In my blog, I have categorized different VBA topics by their properties. If you don't understand Function, Sub, Method, Property Differences, you will find my tips confusing and difficult to use. Thos...
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Excel VBA Intersect Method
Excel VBA Intersect Method for Range
In Excel VBA, Intersect Method is used to return the intersection Range (the common area in the above picture).
Syntax of Intersect Method
expression .Intersect(Range1, Range2, ...)
The intersection Range must be at least 2, in order to find the intersection area.
If intersection area exists, Intersection Method returns a Range
If intersection area does not exist, Intersection Method causes a Runtime Error, which can be avoided using "Is N...
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