This Excel tutorial explains how to lookup partial text using Vlookup Function with Wildcard.
Excel Vlookup second matched value or specific occurence
Excel Lookup Function lookup multiple criteria not in the first column
Excel lookup Function lookup multiple criteria
Excel lookup partial text using Vlookup with Wildcard
Many people know how to use Vlookup but not many people know Vlookup allows Wildcard in the lookup value. Lets recap the syntax of Vlookup first.
Syntax of Vlookup...
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Excel SUMIF Function
What is Excel SUMIF Function?
Excel SUMIF Function sum up an array (a range of values) if condition is met. Note that you can set only one condition, for multiple conditions you need the SUMIFS Function (with "s" in suffix)
Read the below article about SUMIFS Function
Excel SUMIFS Function
Syntax of Excel SUMIF Function
SUMIF( range, criteria, [sum_range] )
The range of cells that you want evaluated by criteria. Cells in each range must be numbers or names, arrays, or refe...
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