Excel Lookup Function lookup multiple criteria

This Excel tutorial explains how to use Excel Lookup Function and how to look up multiple criteria.

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Excel Lookup Function – lookup multiple criteria

Excel Lookup Function is  to look up a value in a Range (or array) and return the corresponding result in another Range (or array). Note that “Range” is also known as “Vector” if you read other tutorial.

Differences between Lookup and Vlookup

First of all, lets recap the syntax of Vlookup

VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num, [range_lookup])

Lookup Function behaves similarly as Vlookup if the last parameter [range_lookup] of vlookup is set to TRUE.

TRUE means to look for similar match, FALSE means to look for exact match. It is not helpful to look for similar match in 99% situations because it may not return the exact result we want. In Lookup Function, we cannot choose to look for exact match or similar match, we can only look for similar match.

In order to make an apple to apple comparison, I will talk about how Lookup behaves differently against Vlookup with FALSE [range_lookup] below.

1 – For Lookup Function, lookup Range must be in ascending order. Vlookup (last Function parameter =FALSE) does not have such requirement.

2 – Lookup Function can look up value not in the first column of lookup Range, because you can specify the lookup Range anywhere instead of specifying the Nth column in lookup table

3 – If there are more than one matched results, Vlookup (last Function parameter =FALSE) returns the first matched value, while Lookup returns the last matched value

3 – If Lookup Function cannot find an exact match, it returns the largest value in the lookup Range that is less than or equal to the lookup value (behave the same way as Vlookup when the last parameter is set to TRUE). While you can easily identify which is larger for numeric value (for example, 1000 > 10).

For text like alphabets or symbols, the comparison is based on ASCII value of the text (for example, a> A >?> 1), read the references at the bottom of the post for ASCII value and text conversion.

Therefore even if there is no match, Lookup Function may still return a value, while Vlookup returns #N/A.

Syntax of Lookup Function

LOOKUP(lookup_value, lookup_range, result_range)
lookup_value A Range or array that LOOKUP searches for
lookup_range A lookup Range or array that contain only one row or one column, must be sorted in ascending order
result_range Optional. A range that contains only one row or column.

Click here to see the detailed explanation.

Example of Lookup Function

In this example, we have two worksheets:

1) source – the source table being looked up

2) lookup – the lookup table in which you want to lookup salary from source

First Name and Birthdate are keys to identify an unique person.


Formula Result Explanation
=LOOKUP(B2,source!C2:C11,source!A2:A11) 40000 Look up Salary where Birthdate is 4/1/1980
=LOOKUP(“Cat”,source!B2:B11,source!A2:A11) 60000 Look up Salary where First Name is Cat. Because there are more than 1 Cat, result of last Cat is returned.
=LOOKUP(“C”,source!B2:B11,source!A2:A11) 30000 “C” cannot be found in lookup Range, so the Function would return the largest value less than “C”, which is the last “Ben”
=LOOKUP(“A”,source!B2:B11,source!A2:A11) #N/A “A” cannot be found in lookup Range, so the Function would return the largest value less than “A”, but the smallest in the lookup Range is “Apple”, so nothing is smaller than “A”

Advanced use of Lookup Function – lookup multiple criteria

Apply the lookup formula as below in column C. Column D is to show the actual formula of column C.


Let’s take a look at the formula at D2

Parameter name Parameter value
lookup_value 2
lookup_range 1/((source!$B$2:$B$11=lookup!A2)*(source!$C$2:$C$11=lookup!B2))
result_range source!$A$2:$A$11

Below is the mechanism of the formula.


In the second parameter
The reason for dividing an array by 1 is that we want to turn all “0” to non numerical value (i.e. error)


Afterwards, we apply LOOKUP formula and use “2” as the lookup_value parameter, where “2” is a constant that can be applied to other formula. When we lookup a value (2) which cannot be found in the array (a combination of 1 and #DIV/0), the Function will match the largest value (1) in the lookup_range (1 and #DIV/0) that is less than or equal to the value (2). In fact, you can also use “1” as the lookup_value parameter assume that value 1 can be found in the array, the Function will return the last matched value as well. As a normal practice, people tend to use “2” as parameter.

References – ASCII value of text

Note the conversion of Dec and Char

Dec Hex Oct Char Description
0 0 000 null
1 1 001 start of heading
2 2 002 start of text
3 3 003 end of text
4 4 004 end of transmission
5 5 005 enquiry
6 6 006 acknowledge
7 7 007 bell
8 8 010 backspace
9 9 011 horizontal tab
10 A 012 new line
11 B 013 vertical tab
12 C 014 new page
13 D 015 carriage return
14 E 016 shift out
15 F 017 shift in
16 10 020 data link escape
17 11 021 device control 1
18 12 022 device control 2
19 13 023 device control 3
20 14 024 device control 4
21 15 025 negative acknowledge
22 16 026 synchronous idle
23 17 027 end of trans. block
24 18 030 cancel
25 19 031 end of medium
26 1A 032 substitute
27 1B 033 escape
28 1C 034 file separator
29 1D 035 group separator
30 1E 036 record separator
31 1F 037 unit separator
32 20 040 space
33 21 041 !
34 22 042
35 23 043 #
36 24 044 $
37 25 045 %
38 26 046 &
39 27 047
40 28 050 (
41 29 051 )
42 2A 052 *
43 2B 053 +
44 2C 054 ,
45 2D 055
46 2E 056 .
47 2F 057 /
48 30 060 0
49 31 061 1
50 32 062 2
51 33 063 3
52 34 064 4
53 35 065 5
54 36 066 6
55 37 067 7
56 38 070 8
57 39 071 9
58 3A 072 :
59 3B 073 ;
60 3C 074 <
61 3D 075 =
62 3E 076 >
63 3F 077 ?
64 40 100 @
65 41 101 A
66 42 102 B
67 43 103 C
68 44 104 D
69 45 105 E
70 46 106 F
71 47 107 G
72 48 110 H
73 49 111 I
74 4A 112 J
75 4B 113 K
76 4C 114 L
77 4D 115 M
78 4E 116 N
79 4F 117 O
80 50 120 P
81 51 121 Q
82 52 122 R
83 53 123 S
84 54 124 T
85 55 125 U
86 56 126 V
87 57 127 W
88 58 130 X
89 59 131 Y
90 5A 132 Z
91 5B 133 [
92 5C 134 \
93 5D 135 ]
94 5E 136 ^
95 5F 137 _
96 60 140 `
97 61 141 a
98 62 142 b
99 63 143 c
100 64 144 d
101 65 145 e
102 66 146 f
103 67 147 g
104 68 150 h
105 69 151 i
106 6A 152 j
107 6B 153 k
108 6C 154 l
109 6D 155 m
110 6E 156 n
111 6F 157 o
112 70 160 p
113 71 161 q
114 72 162 r
115 73 163 s
116 74 164 t
117 75 165 u
118 76 166 v
119 77 167 w
120 78 170 x
121 79 171 y
122 7A 172 z
123 7B 173 {
124 7C 174 |
125 7D 175 }
126 7E 176 ~
127 7F 177 DEL

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