This tutorial explains how to use Excel VBA usedRange Property to find the last used row and column number, and reset usedRange.
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Excel VBA UsedRange Property
Excel VBA UsedRange is a worksheet Property, it returns the area Range bounded by first used cell and last used cell. "Used Cell" is defined as Cell containing formula, formatting, value th...
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Excel VBA
Excel VBA Workbooks.Add Method to create new workbook
This page explains Excel VBA Workbooks.Add Method, illustrate how to create new workbook in Excel VBA or move data from one workbook to a new workbook
What does Excel VBA Workbooks.Add Method do?
Excel VBA Workbooks.Add Method is used to create new workbook. Suppose you have a workbook called workbook1, inside workbook1 you need to create new workbook and manipulate it, then you need to insert the Workbooks.Add Method in workbook1. After you have created the workbook, the workbook becomes ac...
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Excel VBA Formula Property of Range
This Excel VBA tutorial explains how to use Formula Property in Excel VBA.
Formula Property in Excel VBA
There are two functions for Formula Property:
1. To set formula in a Range, like the way you type a formula in worksheet
2. To retrieve formula from a Range
Syntax of Formula Property
To set a formula:
Range.Formula = "=your formula"
To retrieve a formula:
variableName = Range.Formula
You can also set a formula using Value Property
Range.Value = "=your formula"
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Excel VBA delete worksheet based on worksheet name
Solution to delete worksheet based on worksheet name
I am providing the solution for the "Deluxe-Plus" version in the below code
To determine which worksheet is to delete, create an array called delWS(), and then loop through all the worksheet name to find the worksheet name that contains "DELETE" or "OLD".
If (InStr(WS.Name, "DELETE") <> 0 Or InStr(WS.Name, "OLD") <> 0) And InStr(WS.Name, "KEEP") = 0
Instr function is to check whether the worksheet name contains the key w...
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