Solution to trigger hyperlink
Use FollowHyperlink function to go to a website.
Public Sub hyper()
ThisWorkbook.FollowHyperlink Range("C6").Value
End Sub
For details of the FollowHyperlink, check out the below article
Excel VBA function FollowHyperlink
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Excel VBA Q&A
Excel VBA delete worksheet based on worksheet name
Solution to delete worksheet based on worksheet name
I am providing the solution for the "Deluxe-Plus" version in the below code
To determine which worksheet is to delete, create an array called delWS(), and then loop through all the worksheet name to find the worksheet name that contains "DELETE" or "OLD".
If (InStr(WS.Name, "DELETE") <> 0 Or InStr(WS.Name, "OLD") <> 0) And InStr(WS.Name, "KEEP") = 0
Instr function is to check whether the worksheet name contains the key w...
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Excel VBA change cell range to array
Solution to change cell range to array
In the below solution, I have made a Sub to define array (defineArray), a Sub to delete worksheet(delWS), a Sub to move worksheet(moveWS)
First, I define an array at Module level, so that all Sub within the Module can access the array.
In Sub defineArray(), I put all the items from Range A4 to the last row of column A into wsArray()
In Sub delWS(), I put "On Error Resume Next" to prevent error message when Macro tries to delete a wor...
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Excel VBA Check cell value and cell value above
This tutorial provides a solution to check the Excel cell value and the cell value above in Excel worksheet using VBA.
Check cell value and cell value above
This was originally a question posted in Microsoft Community. I extract it to illustrate an example how to check Excel cell value and cell value above.
Given a range of 12 cells in a row filled with only 0's and 1's...
Would anyone know a way to return a true or false in a cell if looking in all the above cells, a 0 appeare...
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