This Excel VBA tutorial explains how to import CSV into Excel automatically using Workbooks.OpenText Method. You may select different delimiters such as Tab, semicolon, comma, space.
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Excel VBA convert CSV to Excel
Excel VBA Import CSV into Excel using Workbooks.OpenText Method
In Excel workbook, you can manually import a CSV file into Excel (Data > From Text / CSV). However, you have to select some options in advance such as delimi...
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Unit 9 – Excel Custom Sub Procedure
Excel VBA Convert Text in Columns and Rows into Matrix Table
This Excel VBA tutorial explains how to convert text in columns and rows into Matrix Table. The Matrix table will display text instead of aggregated numbers.
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Excel VBA Convert Text in Columns and Rows into Matrix Table
Using Excel Pivot Table, it is easy convert data into a Matrix Table with the help of Aggregate Functions such as Count, Sum, standard deviation. The information in the Matrix Table is displayed in aggregated numbers. Below ...
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Excel VBA search text in multiple Workbooks in folder
This Excel VBA tutorial explains how to search text in multiple Workbooks in a folder and subfolders, and display the result in a summary page, including which workbook, which worksheet, and which Cell contains the text.
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Excel loop workbooks in folders and subfolders with FSO
Excel VBA search text in multiple Workbooks in folder
Suppose you have multiple workbooks in a folder, and you want to know if any workbook contains a text yo...
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Excel VBA copy contents of protected worksheet
This Excel VBA tutorial explains how to copy contents of protected worksheet and then paste contents in another worksheet.
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Copy contents of protected worksheet
Some authors would protect worksheets with password so that other people cannot modify and not even able to select the cells. I usually do it when I setup templates for users to fill in the data but I don't...
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Excel VBA convert date period to date row
This Excel VBA tutorial explains how to convert date period to date row.
Excel VBA convert date period into date row
Different systems store date transactions differently. For example, if you apply for annual leave from Jan 1 to Jan 3, some system store the data in data base using date period
Begin Date
End Date
However some system store one date per row.
Begin Date
End Date
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Excel VBA filter value then copy filtered data to new worksheet
This Excel VBA tutorial explains how to automate AutoFilter to filter value and then copy data to new worksheet or copy data to new workbook.
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Filter value then copy filtered data to new worksheet
I find it very difficult to come up with a suitable title and key words for this post. I will try to describe what this Macro does with an example.
Suppose you have a staff...
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Access Excel VBA sort Array items
This Access Excel VBA tutorial explains how to sort Array items in VBA in ascending order / descending order.
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Access Excel VBA sort Array items
In an Array, you may have stored items that you want to sort. For example, if you store a name list, you may want to sort them in alphabetical order (Apple, Banana, Cat...). If you store a number list, you may want to sort them in ascending order (100, 200, 400, 70...
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Excel convert data from column to row
This Excel VBA tutorial explains how to convert data from column to row (transform one column data to one row).
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Excel VBA combine worksheets columns into one worksheet
Excel convert data from column to row
Different database have different structure. Some database put similar data in the same column with different rows, while some database put data in different columns. .Let's take an example.
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Excel delete all pictures or delete all pictures in specific Cells
This Excel tutorial explains how to delete all pictures in a worksheet or delete all pictures in specific Cells.
Excel delete all pictures
When you copy contents from website to Excel, it is unavoidable to also copy unwanted pictures. As some websites contains dozens of pictures, it is a waste of time to delete pictures one by one. In this tutorial, I will demonstrate how to delete all pictures at once.
Let's say I want to copy the below table from a website. In the Country of Origin field...
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Excel VBA unmerge columns automatically
This Excel VBA tutorial explains how to unmerge columns automatically and then delete blank column.
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Excel VBA unmerge columns automatically
For some systems, when you export a non-Excel report (e.g. PDF) to Excel format, some columns could be merged in order to fit the width of the original report layout. Even for Sharepoint, this formatting issue also happens.
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