This Excel tutorial explains how to use distinct count in Pivot Table to count number of unique value in a column grouped by other fields.
Excel Pivot Table Distinct Count to count unique data
In Excel 2013, there is a new aggregate function in Pivot Table called Distinct Count, which counts number of unique value in a column. For example, if a column contains employee names, you can use the dis...
Book 1 – Microsoft Excel
Excel VBA Import CSV into Excel using Workbooks.OpenText Method
This Excel VBA tutorial explains how to import CSV into Excel automatically using Workbooks.OpenText Method. You may select different delimiters such as Tab, semicolon, comma, space.
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Excel VBA convert CSV to Excel
Excel VBA Import CSV into Excel using Workbooks.OpenText Method
In Excel workbook, you can manually import a CSV file into E...
Excel VBA Convert Text in Columns and Rows into Matrix Table
This Excel VBA tutorial explains how to convert text in columns and rows into Matrix Table. The Matrix table will display text instead of aggregated numbers.
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Access Crosstab Query
Excel VBA Convert Text in Columns and Rows into Matrix Table
Using Excel Pivot Table, it is easy convert data into a Matrix Table with the help of Aggregate Functions such as Count, Sum...
Excel VBA search text in multiple Workbooks in folder
This Excel VBA tutorial explains how to search text in multiple Workbooks in a folder and subfolders, and display the result in a summary page, including which workbook, which worksheet, and which Cell contains the text.
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Excel VBA INSTR Function
Excel loop workbooks in folders and subfolders with FSO
Excel VBA search text in multiple Workbooks in folder
How to Change Default Excel Date Format (such as MMDD to DDMM)
This Excel tutorial explains how to change default Excel Date Format from Change Date and Time Format in Control Panel.
How to Change Default Excel Date Format
In the country I live, we normally use date format dd/mm/yyyy. However whenever I work for the US company, the system defaults to mm/dd/yyyy. This is annoying and it causes Excel error. For example, if I mistakenly type UK format 31/12/20...
Group Date and Ungroup Month in Excel Pivot Table
This Excel tutorial explains how to group dates and ungroup month in Excel Pivot Table to prevent auto grouping of Pivot Table in Excel 2016.
Group Date and Ungroup Month in Excel Pivot Table
Since Excel 2016, when you drag a date field to a Pivot Table Pivot Table Row, the dates are automatically grouped by months instead of showing each date. This is extremely annoying because it is tricky ...
How to convert Excel to PDF
This Excel tutorial explains how to export Excel to PDF in Microsoft Excel and convert Excel to PDF using different online tools.
How to convert Excel to PDF
Excel spreadsheets are widely being used in today’s world in order to manage data. The ability to organize data effectively has contributed a lot towards the popularity of the Excel files. However, the Excel files are not portable and it is...
VBA Excel Access roundup rounddown Function
This Excel Access tutorial explains how to use VBA to write an Access roundup (round up) and Access rounddown (round down) Function to simulate that in Excel. These roundup and rounddown Functions can also be used in Access and Excel VBA.
Excel Access roundup rounddown Function
In Excel Worksheet Function, there are round, roundup, rounddown, mround Functions.
In Excel VBA, there is only roun...
Access Excel VBA generate random password or random characters
This Access Excel VBA tutorial explains how to generate random password or random characters with random number, random letters and random symbols.
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Access Excel VBA generate random password or random characters
If you are a system administrator, very likely you n...
Excel automatically select specific columns using Custom Views and Query
This Excel tutorial explains how to select specific columns in a worksheet with many columns using Custom Views and Query.
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Excel automatically select specific columns using Custom Views and Query
Many people including myself like creating a master report with many columns and then send it to users for them to manually select co...