This Excel tutorial explains how to create organization chart in Excel.
Different ways to create organization chart
Some companies use HR systems that have function to auto generate real time organization chart, some develop in house system to create organization chart automatically by pulling the HR database, some companies draw the data from HR system and do it half manually using software (such as Visio), but most companies just do it all manually in Excel / Powerpoint.
In Microsoft Visio, ...
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Chapter 4 – Excel Graphs
Create Excel Histogram
This Excel tutorial explains how to create Excel Histogram.
You may also want to read:
Excel clustered column chart
Excel scatter chart using text name
Definition of Histogram
Before reading this post, you are recommended to read my below post.
Types of data in statistics (Interval, Nominal, Ordinal).
Histogram is a column chart that counts frequency of numbers and categorize the numbers into numerical groups (the groups are called bins). Usually people don't leave space between t...
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Excel clustered column chart
This Excel tutorial explains how to use clustered column chart to compare a group of bar charts.
Excel clustered column chart
Clustered column chart is very similar to bar chart, except that clustered column chart allow grouping of bars for side by side comparison. This tutorial demonstrates how to build clustered column chart.
Example - clustered column chart
Suppose we want to build a sales bar chart for Q1 to Q4 in 2015. We can simply build a bar chart that shows sales of each quarter in ...
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Excel scatter chart using text name
This Excel tutorial explains how to ordinal data (text) in scatter chart using bar chart.
Excel scatter chart using text name
Excel scatter chart requires the x axis and y axis for each data point to be plotted in a diagram, and then join all those point together to analyze the trend or analyze if x and y variables are correlated, where X and Y values have to be numeric values.
Below is an example showing how employee Grade is related to salary. From the graph, you can see the trend that Sa...
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Excel graph dynamic data range
This Excel tutorial explains how to set Excel graph dynamic data range.
You may also want to read:
Excel dynamic Data Validation list
Excel Dynamic Print Area
Excel dynamic data range
Excel graph dynamic data range
The purpose of Excel graph dynamic data range is to select data range based on how many data you have input instead of using a fixed range.
Assume that you have the data set below.
You can draw a graph from January to October easily by selecting A1 to B11, bu...
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